Baumer MDRM 18I9524  Magnetic angle sensors 사양소개


안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다.


바우머 Magnetic Angle Sensors 제품군 가운데, 오늘은 MDRM 18I9524 사양에 대해 살펴보고자 합니다.




Magnetic angle sensors

MDRM 18I9524, MDRM18I9524





Magnetic sensors are proven in the field and are constantly further developed
and refined. Thanks to their substantial benefits like high detection speed or
extreme dirt resistance and by utilizing a non-contact and wear free sensing
principle they are indispensable in many applications. The extensive Baumer
portfolio provides magnetic sensors with different techniques and designs and
hence the optimal solution for every application.



Make your choice:
- Magnetic angle sensors for non-contact detection of rotation angles
throughout 360°
- Hall sensors to pick up rotating speeds and directions of toothed wheels
- Magnetic proximity switches for long-range detection of magnetic fields
- Cylinder sensors to detect limit positions of pistons in cylinders



 Output signal



Technical Data

Baumer, MDRM, Magnetic Sensors, MDRM 18I9524, MDRM18I9524

MDRM 18I9524 DataSheet.pdf
MDRM 18I9524 Manual.pdf
MDRM 18I9524 Info.pdf
CAT Magnetic Sensors 201201XX.pdf






내 기술지원 및 구매상담처


* 소개된 제품  시스템의 사양, 재질, 치수, 기타 기재 내용은 제조공급사의 사정이나, 성능향상을 위해 예고 없이 단종, 대체되거나 변경되는 경우가 있으므로 양해를 부탁 드립니다. 기타 문의  상담은 공식대리점 통해 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.  

Notice : Specification are subject to change without notice.



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