Killark Expansion Fittings & Deflection Fittings 2017 하반기 킬락 신제품 소개


안녕하세요 TIATIP 에디터입니다. 하늘을 보면 가을이 성큼 다가오고 있음을 느끼게 됩니다. 오늘도 건강하고 활기찬 최고의 하루 만들어가시길 바라면서, 킬락에서 2017년도 하반기 새롭게 출시된 Expansion Fittings, Deflection Fittings 자료를 포스팅합니다. 추후 실물자료가 입수되는 대로 스터디하여 추가 포스팅하도록 하겠습니다.



HUBBELL Harsh & Hazardous


Expansion Fittings & Deflection Fittings

Solutions for the Construction Industry



1. Expansion Fittings - AF Series, AF8 Series

AF/AF8 Series Expansion Fittings are for use with IMC or rigid conduit installations. The AF/AF8 Series prevents damage of the electrical installations typically used in buildings and bridges by compensating linear movement due to temperature fluctuation or structural movement. This series provides up to a maximum 4” and 8” conduit movement (2” and 4” in either direction).


For applications involving IMC, a 15” minimum length of rigid conduit should be used entering the expansion fitting due to the slightly smaller O.D. of the IMC








2. Deflection Expansion Fittings - DF Series




DF Series Deflection Fittings compensate any directional movement between two conduit joints. These fittings can withstand sporadic vibrations channeled by rotating equipment or vehicular traffic. The DF
Series allows for a ¾” contraction and extension movement as well as a 30° angular deflection to any direction and still maintain its structural integrity.


3. Expansion Fittings - TAF Series


TAF Series Expansion Fittings compensate for linear movement between two conduit joints in runs of EMT (electrical magnetic tubing) conduit. This series provides up to a maximum 4” conduit movement (2” in either direction). Aids in preventing damaged conduit runs caused by temperature fluctuations and structural variations by assisting in movement.


4. Bonding Jumpers - AJ Series, AJE Series


Applications Type AJ is used for bonding two rigid, EMT or IMC steel/aluminum conduits together to ensure the required electrical conductivity between raceways.

Type AJE is used for bonding conduit to flat surfaces, such as boxes to ensure the required electrical conductivity between raceways.


5. Expansion Combo Fittings - AF Series, DF Series, AFDF Series



AFDF Series Expansion/Deflection Combo Fittings compensates for linear and 3/4” level movement in any direction between two conduit joints in runs of IMC or rigid conduit.
AFDF Series combines the DF style fitting with the AF style fitting for an additional 4” movement (2” in either direction) when the 3/4” linear movement in the DF is not enough. Helps prevent damaged conduit
runs caused by temperature fluctuations and structural variations by assisting in movement.



Technical Data

Hubbell, Killark, Fittings, Fitting, Expansion Fittings, Deflection Fittings, Expansion/Deflection Combo Fittings, Expansion Conduit Unions, Bonding Jumpers, AF Series, AF8 Series, AFDF Series, AJ Series, AJE Series, DF Series, TAF Series, UNFS Series, UNYS Series, UNFL Series, UNYL Series, 허벨, 킬락, 피팅, 방폭피팅

KILLARK Expansion & Deflection Fittings 20170904 EN.pdf
6.Killark Fittings IDK F.pdf





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* 소개된 제품  시스템의 사양, 재질, 치수, 기타 기재 내용은 제조공급사의 사정이나, 성능향상을 위해 예고 없이 단종, 대체되거나 변경되는 경우가 있으므로 양해를 부탁 드립니다. 기타 문의  상담은 공식대리점 통해 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.  

Notice : Specification are subject to change without notice.


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