HAWKE 478 Insulated Adapters 자료 및 소개

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Insulated Adapters

478 Series




Flameproof Exd / Increased Safety Exe / Dual Certified ATEX - IECEx Insulated adaptors

  • For converting dissimilar or similar thread forms or thread sizes and insulating cable gland entry from the equipment.
  • M20 to M75 as standard. Other parallel thread options available on request, including BSPP, PG, ET and NPSM.
  • NPT threads can also be supplied in sizes ranging from ½" to 3".
  • Male and Female thread entries are the same.
  • Insulating Material: Polyamide
  • Suitable for use in Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21 and Zone 22.
  • Construction and Test Standards: IEC/EN 60079-0, IEC/EN 60079-1, IEC/EN 60079-7 and IEC/EN 60079-31.
  • Ingress Protection: IP66.


Manufactured in Brass, Nickel Plated Brass, Steel, Nickel Plated Steel, Stainless Steel. (Aluminium for Group II use only). Insulating Material: Polyamide.



Technical Data

Hubbell, Hawke, Hawke International, Adapter, Insulated Adapter, Insulation Adapter, 478 Series,

허벨, 호크, 호크인터내셔날, 호크인터내셔널, 어뎁터, 인슐레이티드 어뎁터, 인슐레이션 어뎁터, 방폭 어뎁터, 방폭 아답타, 478

478 Spec TCS02.pdf
478 Assembly 201603XX C.pdf

Note : Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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