T&B, Thomas&Betts Data Centers 현장맞춤 라인업 소개


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오늘은  T&B(토마스앤베츠, 티앤비, 티엔비, Thomas&Betts, TnB)의 제품 및 서비스 가운데 데이터센터 및 정보 집적시설에 적용중인 사례와 활용 가능한 제품군을 간략히 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.




T&B, Thomas&Betts Electrical Solutions for Data Centers



T&B(TnB), Thomas&Betts Engineered solutions for data centers


T&B(TnB), Data Centers

Constant, reliable access to the internet is a becoming a requirement in everyday life.  Data Centers provide the necessary backbone to support these needs. Mission critical facilities require 24x7 power to insure that users, operators and enterprises has access to data ranging from financial transactions to photo sharing and social media. Some industry estimates put loss of revenue at an average of $350,000 per hour in US data centers. Thomas and Betts brings experience and innovation to an industry where our quality, reliable and dependable brands make us the first choice in mission critical electrical installations.



T&B, Electrical Solutions for Data Centers



T&B(TnB), Continuous Operation & Sustainability

A data center operator needs to anticipate future requirements. The power system must be flexible enough for future IT loads but robust enough to
meet the 24x7 “always-on” demands of today. Thomas & Betts offers electrical solutions to meet today’s needs coupled with the durability and energy efficiency required for a sustainable future.


T&B(TnB), Power Quality, Efficiency & Reliability

From substation to remote power panels, Thomas & Betts products and solutions enable maximum uptime and control by:
• Detecting faults and protecting against overcurrent and voltage drops
• Preventing damage due to power quality disturbances
• Eliminating under performance, minimizing system losses and increasing availability
Electrical solutions from Thomas & Betts ensure uptime, improve customer satisfaction and protect stakeholder ROI.



T&B(TnB), Safety & Contamination

As with any electrical system, data centers must be equipped to ensure safe operation. You’ll find a complete assortment of safety products from Thomas & Betts, including labels and warning signs.



T&B(TnB), Space Savings

When it comes to a data center, space is money. The switch from analog to digital components has resulted in more complexity and density in control systems. Thomas & Betts offers products designed to maximize panel real estate, enhance wire and fiber optic cable management and help keep personnel safe. Our space-saving panel solutions are designed to:
• Offer space savings of up to 300%
• Make your panels easier to build and maintain
• Keep your technicians and operators safer
• Reduce the size and cost of your panel enclosure and wiring



T&B(TnB), Total Project Cost Reduction

Thomas & Bets offers a wide array of electrical products designed to provide data center installers and operators with significant and measurable project
cost savings. These include solutions for labor, material and logistics savings, as well as process improvements.



T&B(TnB), Grounding & Bonding

Grounding and bonding are critical for the safety and operation of any commercial facility, with particular importance in data centers due to the possibility of data corruption. Thomas & Betts provides an extensive range
of solutions to fit all grounding and bonding needs, including compression and mechanical products for grounding systems. We also deliver onsite grounding
and bonding training along with services to ensure that a data center continues to operate smoothly and safely during installation.



T&B(TnB), Services & Training

Thomas & Betts provides services and training in the field or classroom to help you maximize efficiency and eliminate wasted time and materials.







Data Centers Market01.pdf

Data Centers Market02.pdf

T&B Products Lineup Company Profile 2011EN IDK.pdf







Thomas&Betts, ThomasaNdBetts

티앤비, 티엔비, 티앤드비, 티엔드비

토마스앤베츠, 토마스앤배츠, 토마스엔베츠, 토마스엔배츠

토머스앤베츠, 토머스앤배츠, 토머스엔베츠, 토머스엔배츠








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