T&B, Thomas&Betts Metals & Mining 현장맞춤 라인업 소개


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오늘은  T&B(토마스앤베츠, 티앤비, 티엔비, Thomas&Betts, TnB 제품 및 서비스 가운데 철강, 금속, 비철금속, 석탄설비등에 적용중인 사례와 활용 가능한 제품군을 간략히 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.




T&B, Electrical Solutions for the Metals and Mining Industry



T&B(TnB), Thomas&Betts, Engineered solutions for every application area


• Power Plant
• Transmission and Distribution Substations
• Mine Electrification and Lighting
• Electrical Contr ol Rooms
• Ore Extraction
• Conveyors
• Beneficiation
• Mineral Pr ocessing
• Water and Waste Management
• Smelting and Refining
• Metalforming



T&B(TnB), Metals & Mining

Thomas & Betts’ long-term presence in the utility and industrial markets continues to drive the development of innovative electrical products that meet the stringent application requirements and lifetime performance expectations in the Metals & Mining industries. Our solutions are tailored to help you optimize operating costs and improve return on capital investments while protecting the environment and ensuring safety to workers and production assets. Our global network and fast logistics are in place to support your MRO, OEM and construction activities around the world.





T&B, Electrical Solutions for the Metals and Mining Industry



T&B(TnB), Continuous Operation & Sustainability

Mining and metallurgy plants need skilled operators and good maintenance management to produce at sustainable yields. But costs associated with
unscheduled downtime — replacement of ruined equipment, idle manpower, late-penalty fees, rental equipment expenses and intangibles for dissatisfied
customers — can add up quickly.

To avoid cost-prohibitive unscheduled downtime and to enforce safe and environmentally friendly production, most metals and mining facilities choose
higher performing electrical materials and products to boost plant availability.

Thomas & Betts offers the following solutions to sustain continuous operation
safely and at high yields:

• Long-lasting electrical systems to optimize lifecycle costs and capital expenditures
• High-performance electrical systems to withstand harsh environments and increase operational equipment effectiveness (OEE)
• Installation training certification to help ensure plant sustainability
• Qualified technicians to assist you in quickly getting your plant back online
• Product solutions to standardize your electrical system and ensure that you have the required produc



T&B(TnB), Corrosion & Harsh Environment Protection

Corrosion-the enemy of electrical systems-costs an estimated $2.1 billion annually in lost equipment, plus labor and downtime. Problems
caused by corrosion include:

• Equipment failure and shortened life
• Poor electrical system reliability caused by high-resistance connections
• Long maintenance repair time due to corroded parts
• Safety hazards and product contamination


Harsh environmental factors inherent in mining and metallurgy applications-such as liquid and dirt ingress, heat, vibration and shock-can greatly accelerate corrosion and cause failures in the electrical and automation systems if not properlynaddressed. Thomas & Betts solutions are made with corrosion-resistant materials to extend the life and reliability of your electrical system. Our aluminum, stainless steel, specialty alloy, and PVC or PVCcoated
products are the solutions to your corrosion issues.


T&B(TnB), Liquid Ingress Protection

Liquid ingress protection is a critical element to keeping electrical systems operational. Exposure to water in indoor or outdoor applications, dust in
suspension, condensation and accidental spills of machine oils and lubricants can all shorten the life of your electrical system. One drop can be enough to ruin your production, so when specifying electrical components for mining and mineral processing applications, consider the following issues related to liquid ingress:

• Liquid exposure can cause deterioration of electrical connections or short circuits
• Electrical system components designed with round surfaces help to shed contaminants, rather than creating a shelf where they can collect
• Abrasive and corrosive mine waters combined with moisture present extra challenges for liquidtight electrical components in mining and metal applications
• Appropriate product design, materials and labor skills are required to ensure reliability, maintainability and safety of electrical connections subject to liquid and dust ingress Thomas & Betts electrical solutions offer protection
against liquid, moisture and dust ingress.



T&B(TnB), Safety & Contamination

During the years 2000–2009, electrical accidents were the leading cause of fatalities in the U.S. mining industry, accounting for 6% of all deaths. Electrical
injuries in mining are also disproportionately deadly, with 1 out of every 22 such injuries a fatality compared with an average of 1 out of every 203 for all other types of injuries.*
Safety in metal and mining industries encompasses personnel, vehicles, machinery, the material and also the mine, with issues such as roofing and ground sustainability. Common hazards requiring preventive safety measures in these industries include:

• Fire or explosion
• Electrical shock from exposed wiring, lightning or improper grounding
• Release of toxic materials
• Temperature extremes
• Heavy vehicles and projection of debris
• Large equipment and bulk conveyor systems
• Drilling, climbing, hoisting and excavation machinery
Thomas & Betts products address safety concerns in mining and metal processing workplaces. * Source: U.S. Occupational Safety and Health,



T&B(TnB), Extreme Temperature Protection

Outdoor and indoor machinery and process equipment at metal processing, coal and cement plants must stand up to extreme temperatures, UV radiation, humidity and corrosive substances.
Electrical systems must perform in these harsh conditions and be protected against condensation, water and sludge. Whether you’re operating a
conveyor belt in snowy longitudes or in tropical zones, a high-temperature slurry pump or a furnace application, Thomas & Betts electrical solutions
address issues that can result from extreme temperatures, including:

• Repeated thermal expansion and contraction damaging conduit systems and electrical connections
• Components softening and failing due to high temperatures
• Components melting and destroying other nearby equipment
• Components near flames catching fire and burning
• Components becoming brittle and failing at low temperatures
• Condensation occurring due to rapid temperature changes, stressing electrical systems



T&B(TnB), Hazardous Location Protection

During the years 1990–2001, more than 975 reported fires occurred in the U.S. mining industry, causing over 470 injuries, 6 fatalities and the temporary
closing of several mines.* A large number of metals and mining processing personnel are in danger of being killed or permanently disabled because of
exposure to many different hazardous sources inherent in these industries.

The National Electrical Code® (NEC®) defines hazardous locations as areas where the possibility of explosion and fire is created by the presence
of flammable gases, vapors, dust, fibers or flyings. In metals and mining facilities, hazardous locations include areas where substances in suspension, mine gases or fuels and chemicals may be present.

To protect both your facility and your employees, Thomas & Betts offers a wide variety of highperformance, explosion-proof solutions designed to prevent or contain an explosion in classified hazardous locations.

* Source: U.S. Occupational Safety and Health, http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/topicspage19.htm
NEC and National Electrical Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire
Protection Association, Inc.



T&B(TnB), Power Quality, Efficiency & Reliability

When the reliable connection and intelligent control of electrical power are necessities, the Thomas & Betts Power Connection and Control range offers a
wide selection of products. From 120V to 230kV, our products are specified worldwide in the industrial, construction and utility markets.



T&B(TnB), Grounding & Bonding

Grounding and bonding are achieved in many ways. Thomas & Betts provides Grounding & Bonding products that can meet exothermic, compression
and mechanical requirements. A ground is a critical part of an electrical system. In some cases, redundant grounds are used to ensure operations are not interrupted.






Metals Mining Industry Market01.pdf

T&B Products Lineup Company Profile 2011EN IDK.pdf






Thomas&Betts, ThomasaNdBetts

티앤비, 티엔비, 티앤드비, 티엔드비

토마스앤베츠, 토마스앤배츠, 토마스엔베츠, 토마스엔배츠

토머스앤베츠, 토머스앤배츠, 토머스엔베츠, 토머스엔배츠









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