Hubbell Incorporated, 허벨그룹의 브랜드 라인업 간략소개

자동화닷컴 2013. 11. 4. 14:53

Hubbell Incorporated, 허벨그룹의 브랜드 라인업 간략 소개


안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다.


오늘 이 시간에는 Hubbell 그룹의 최신 합류된 제품군현황을 각 브랜드 카테고리(Electrical Systems, Lighting Products and Power Systems)별로 정리하여 안내드립니다. 





Hubbell Corporate Overview

Hubbell Incorporated is an international manufacturer of quality electrical and electronic products for a broad range of non-residential and residential construction, industrial and utility applications. With 2012 revenues of $3.0 billion, Hubbell Incorporated operates manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Mexico, the People's Republic of China ("China"), Italy, the United Kingdom, Brazil and Australia. Hubbell also participates in joint ventures in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and maintains offices in Singapore, China, India, Mexico, South Korea, and countries in the Middle East. The corporate headquarters is located in Shelton, CT.



1. Hubbell Electrical Systems

Offering an array of electrical and electronic wiring devices, wire management systems, occupancy sensors and specialized wiring products for the marine and healthcare markets. A comprehensive source of electrical boxes, fittings and enclosures for a variety of world-wide markets including harsh / hazardous location, commercial and residential markets. Innovative solutions for high voltage power supplies and test equipment, heavy duty cable management, industrial, outdoor and hazardous location communications equipment





2. Hubbell Lighting

Provides a full range of indoor and outdoor lighting products for commercial, industrial, institutional, sports lighting, landscape and residential markets, including green initiatives for vacancy sensors and daylight harvesting controls




3. Hubbell Power Systems

Providing a broad line of products and components to serve the utility industry and support the infrastructure for transmission and distribution of electrical power throughout the globe



  • Anderson
  • Atlas
  • CDR
  • Chance
  • Chance - Civil
  • Electro Composites
  • Fargo Mfg. Company, Inc.
  • Hubbell Cable Accessories
  • Hubbell Power Systems
  • Ohio Brass
  • PCORE Electric
  • Polycast
  • Quazite
  • USCO Power Switches






    Hubbell brochure 201303XX EN.pdf

    Hubbell brochure 2012XXXX EN.pdf









    내 기술지원 및 구매상담


