Baumer My-Com precision switches My-Com G 사양 및 자료 소개


안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다. 오늘 이 시간에는 바우머 고정도 스위치로 알려져있는 My-Com 시리즈가운데, My-Com G 사양에 대해 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.




My-Com ultra precision switches

MY-COM G  Series

MY-COM G75P S35L, MY-COM G75N S35L, MY-COM G75N80/L, MY-COM G75P80/L



Unrivaled 1 μm repeat accuracy.

Setting reference points, monitoring tolerances, controlling, adjusting. Fast, reliable, ultra-precise. Uncompromising accuracy tried and tested millions of times in industrial applications.
Negligible activating forces. A compact precision switch in task matching packages. IP 67 versions for applications in contaminated areas. Repeat accuracy of 1 micrometer. For critical applications where spot-on precision is not enough. Baumer helps you make exactly the right choice.



With a repeat accuracy of 1 micron, the My-Com® remains undisputedly the most accurate and most compact mechanical switch in the world. The standard My-Com® range of the most diverse mechanical and electric types largely reflects the requirements of the market. With its extremely compact design, the My-Com® can also be easily integrated in very constrained surroundings.

Typical applications for the My-Com® high-precision switches are:
- Reference point setting in X/Y tables and machine tools
- Monitoring of the closing and locking accuracy of injection molding dies
- Detection of the smallest deflections, movements and deformations
- Integration in measuring sensors, gauges and activating pins
- Calibration of measuring instruments in quality control
- Monitoring of surface roughness
- Other applications in precision mechanical engineering





Rigorous attention was paid to the design of the My-Com® precision switch to reduce the number of components to an absolute minimum. Just three moving parts and high-quality materials guarantee a large number of switching operations with constant repeat accuracy. Short, linear displacements in just two directions and low activating forces further increase the reliability and
service life of the My-Com® precision switch. The My-Com® has proven its impressive reliability in over 1 million applications.





Technical Data

Baumer, 바우머, MyCom, My-Com, My-Com A, My-Com B, My-Com C, My-COm D, My-Com E, My-Com F, My-COM G, My-Com H, My-Com L, My-Com M, My-Com M, MY-COM G75N/S35L, MY-COM G75P/S35L, MY-COM G75N80/L, MY-COM G75P80/L

MyCom G Family.pdf
My-Com G75N80L.pdf
My-Com G75P80L.pdf
My-Com G75NS35L.pdf
My-Com G75PS35L.pdf
Baumer CAT MyCom 201308XX.pdf




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* 소개된 제품  시스템의 사양, 재질, 치수, 기타 기재 내용은 제조공급사의 사정이나, 성능향상을 위해 예고 없이 단종, 대체되거나 변경되는 경우가 있으므로 양해를 부탁 드립니다. 기타 문의  상담은 공식대리점 통해 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.  

Notice : Specification are subject to change without notice.



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