HAWKE Enclosure 유저의 공수와 편의성까지 고려한 EA Series 신제품 소식
안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다. 여러분 모두 활기차고 기분좋게 4월의 봄을 보내고 계신지요. 오랜만에 HAWKE 방폭박스의 신제품 소식을 들고 인사드립니다. 기존의 GRP Enclosure (PL Series), SUS Enclosure(S Series), Fiber Optic Boxes, High Volatage Busbar Boxes 등의 라인업에 새로운 제품이 추가되었는데요, 설치작업 및 운영, 유지보수와 관련하여 사용자의 접근성과 편의성을 고려하여 디자인 된 EA 시리즈가 바로 그 것입니다. 그럼 이제 한 번 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
HAWKE Enclosures, Junction Boxes : The EA Range
Easy Access & Easy Installation
Infrouducing the new Easy Access Enclosure Range
For fast installation and easy inspection in Exe environments, the EA range is the ideal choice. Our most innovative enclosure range yet, the EA’s radical sloped face design provides unmatched corrosion resistance and meets the highest demands for water and dustproof requirements.
Introducing the new Easy Access Enclosure Range :
Easy Access, Easy Installation
EA Exe Enclosures for Harsh & Hazardous Environments
What is the Easy Access Enclosure Range?
The Exe Easy Access range is designed to increase productivity. Its radical sloped face design and cut away sides for easier installation and maintenance than ever before.
What are the benefits of the EA Range?
The EA Range combines the quality you’d expect from a Hawke International Enclosure with unparalleled installation and inspection speeds. With up to 55% greater aperture than any competitor equivalent, the EA provides more hand access than any Enclosure of a similar size. Its cut away sides also allow you to see exactly what you’ve installed without walls getting in the way, so you can launch your project as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What types of applications can the EA range be used in?
The EA is suitable for a variety of applications including Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Renewable Energy, Agriculture and more. Get in touch with our Enclosures Specialist, Steve Parkin, to find out how the EA Range could benefit your project.
What testing has the EA range undergone to ensure quality, safety and reliability?
Designed to protect lives and assets in the world’s most arduous environments, the EA range has been created with increased safety in mind. The range has undergone rigorous in-house and third party testing to comply with various Increased Safety Standards including: the IEC/IEN 60079-0, IEC/EN 60079-7, IEC/EN 60079-31 and IP66. All Easy Access Enclosures are globally certified for use in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 by ATEX, IECEX, EAC TC RY and INMETRO, to provide you with peace of mind when operating in harsh and hazardous environments.
What else can the EA range offer?
Alongside the ultimate construction for easy installation and inspection, users of the Easy Access range can also benefit from a variety of other features:
Corrosion Resistance
The EA’s innovative sloped lid design allows corrosion causing contaminants to naturally spill off.
Easy Retrofit
All 9 EA sizes follow industry sizes, so you can easily switch out or retrofit your current Enclosure for our EA range.
Drop Hazard Reduction
The removable hinged lid with prevents the lid from being dropped from height.
Better Tool Access
The EA’s turned out sealing face means that a spanner can brought into the enclosure parallel with gland locknuts allowing for easier installation.
To discover more of the EA’s features download our free Ebook or head to the EA product page
More from the EA…
Explore our range of articles and more about the innovative EA range.
Technical Data
Hubbell, Hawke, EA Range, EA Enclosures, EA Junction Boxes, EA Stainless Steel Enclosures, EA231513, EA262620, EA303020, EA352620, EA403020, EA463820, EA484820, EA553522, EA624522,
Note : Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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