케이블그랜드에서 Cold Flow 의 의미와 중요성
안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다.
오늘은 Hawke Cable Glands 의 기능에 있어서 Cold Flow에 대해 살펴봅니다.
공교롭게도 부주의한 운용으로 케이블글랜드를 사용하다보면 환경의 특성상 케이블에 좋지 않은 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
즉 inner sheath에 해당되는 사안으로 상온에서 compression 되는 물리적 힘이 빈번히 크게 작용할 때에는 외형의 변경이 발생되어 Gas등의 흐름을 야기할 수 있습니다. cold flow 특성을 갖추기 위해 Hawke는 특별히 TSE재질을 채택하여 경쟁 메이커가 갖고 있는 TPE재질의 단점을 커버하고 있으며, Universal Type의 글랜드에 이를 적용하여 제공하고 있습니다.
이렇게 케이블의 왜곡(변형)을 방지하기 위해 선박, 해양플랜트, 마린 어플리케이션 분야에서는 일찍이 Universal Type의 Cable gland를 설계에 반영하여 적용하고 있습니다.
이는 Zero Cable Damage를 위한 것이며, 영어원문에는 다음과 같이 명기되어 있습니다.
The unique Hawke diaphragm sealing system does not damage cable with
'Cold Flow' characteristics. The diaphragm type seal is the only elastomeric seal o comply fully with EN 60079-14 and IEC 60079-14 and is therefore suitable on ables which would otherwise require barrier style cable glands.
The Hawke diaphragm seal is also unique in that it is the only flameproof
elastomeric seal that can be visually inspected in operation - A real benefit to
ATEX inspectors.
Certain types of cable employ materials that can exhibit ‘cold flow’
characteristics that could have adverse effects on the protection of the
apparatus. Where such cable is used, a suitable cable entry device should be
employed, for example cable entry devices not employing compression seals
that act upon the part(s) of the cable having ‘cold flow’ characteristics. ‘Cold
flow’ can be more fully described as thermoplastic materials that flow when
subjected to pressure at ambient temperature.
다음은 고객으로부터 자주 상담되는 내용을 FAQ형식으로 정리하였습니다.
Q : What is Cold Flow?
A : Where the material migrates away from a pressure point without any heat being applied.
Q : Why is Cold Flow Dangerous?
A : The internal seal on a cable gland is the explosion migration protection. This seal must effectively put enough pressure on the material in order to prevent the explosive force to push through this barrier. Cold Flow may compromise this inner seal.
Q : How can I tell if my cable is exhibiting Cold Flow?
A : The cable gland can be repeatedly retightened after short periods of time. Inspection will highlight this easily.
Q : Doesn't the Hawke gland stop Cold Flow?
A : No, The Hawke gland prevents damage to the cable and it’s conductors on a cable that exhibits cold flow. This is achieved without compromising the Ex seal.
Q : Cables are rerely used today, plus in an Ex d enclosure I'd use a barrier gland, so why do I need to boher?
A Smaller Ex d enclosures do not require barrier glands due to their volume being insufficient to create pressures enough to migrate the explosion. Installers & end users will always use compression seals on these due to the installation time savings. Soft bedded cables are becoming more frequent as cables are sourced from countries that have less pressure on quality and more price driven manufacturing.
Harsh_Harzardous Locations.pdf
Hawke 501453UNIV with Accessories.pdf
00_Hawke 호크 Accessories New.pdf
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