호크 Hawke Stopping Plug Range


안녕하세요 TIATIP 입니다.


오늘은 호크 Hawke 악세서리 가운데, Stopping Plug의 종류에 대해 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.






Stopping Plug Range

Connection Solutions for Global Applications

Provides a means of sealing and stopping unused threaded entries in enclosures where the certification requires the use of stopping plugs.



1. 375 Domed Head Stopping Plug


Exe IIC / Extb IIIC





2. 387 Domed Head Stopping Plug


Exe Ex II 2 GD IP66





3. 390 Hexagon Head Stopping Plug


Exe I / Exe IIC / Extb IIIC





4. 475 Tamperproof Stopping Plug


Exd II C / Exd I





5. 477 Tamperproof Stopping Plug


Exd IIC / Exd I





6. 487 Domed Head Stopping Plug


Exe I / Exd I / Exe IIC / Exd IIC / Extb IIIC






7. Others







Technical Data

2.Hawke Accessories 2013 IDK.pdf 

1.Hawke Accessories 2012 IDK.pdf











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