Hawke High Voltage Enclosures 신제품 소개


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오늘 이 시간에는 Hawke International News, Hawke의 High Voltage Enclosures 출시소식을 전합니다. 







The S-Series range of ATEX / IECEx Increased Safety Stainless Steel Junction Boxes has been extended to include larger box sizes and support


Conventional connection terminals are replaced by copper bus bars and crimp connections which are arranged in a number of configurations including:-



  • Single Phase and Earth
  • Three Phase and Earth
  • Three Phase Neutral and Earth


With crimp connection capabilities up to 12 x 400 sq. mm. connections per busbar, currents up to 2,500 amps per phase and voltages of 7.2 Kv between phases, this range extension offers a number of flexible solutions for higher power applications.


Designed for ease of installation and long term reliaiblity, these Enclosures have been independently tested for short circuit fault conditions up to 100 kA for 1 second.







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